Useful resources for wish families
We're often asked for help and information on other support charities – and sometimes we need our wish families to obtain official documents to assist us in granting their wish.
Please see the list below for links to useful websites and other charities.
Euan's Guide
Euan's Guide makes it easier for disabled people to find great places to go. It is a site where disabled people, their family, friends and carers can find and share reviews on the accessibility of venues around the UK and beyond. Reviews are also sent to venue owners and this can be a positive and powerful opportunity for education and change. Euan's guide hopes to give everyone the freedom to explore.
Phone number: +441315105106
Address: CodeBase, 38 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH3 9DZ
European Health Insurance (EHIC) Card
If you are a UK resident temporarily visiting a European Union (EU) country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, and medical treatment becomes necessary, with one of these cards you are entitled to that treatment at reduced cost or sometimes free.
Family Fund
Family Fund is the UK's largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people. Family Fund hope to improve the lives of low-income families and to provide items and services that they could not otherwise afford or access, such as washing machines, sensory toys and family breaks, plus more.
Phone number: +441904550055
Address: Unit 4, Alpha Court, Monks Cross Drive, York, YO32 9WN
Your local council may be able to provide you with short break services, holiday play schemes, care at home, aids and adaptations, and financial help for example money towards travel costs for hospital visits.
HCPT- The Pilgrimage Trust
Since 1956, HCPT has offered week-long pilgrimages to Lourdes, for disabled and disadvantaged people. These holidays are with small groups of prepared volunteer helpers. There are also Easter pilgrimage holidays available for disabled and disadvantaged children and young people. And their Summer pilgrimage holidays are offered for all ages.
Phone number: +441788564646
Address: Oakfield Park, 32 Bilton Road, Rugby, CV22 7HQ