New Wish Alumni programme gets off to an adventurous start

A group photo of the families, staff and volunteers that attended the Wish Alumni event at Bear Grylls Adventure Park.

On the first day of the 2022 Commonwealth Games, the Birmingham NEC was home to a host of heroes and champions, although these weren’t athletes. These were the amazing Make-A-Wish children and families who joined us for our inaugural Wish Alumni event at Bear Grylls Adventure.

Hosted by the fabulous team at BGA, 14 wish families were invited to attend a day full of fun and adventure, to celebrate our new Wish Alumni program. This new initiative has been developed to ensure our relationships with those who've had their wish granted continue and they remain a big part of the Make-A-Wish family.

"This is the first Wish Alumni event, with 14 families coming together to enjoy the day, reminisce about their wishes and connect with other wish families."

Jack Tomes, Wish Alumni Manager

Arriving at 10am, the attendees made their way past scorpions, cockroaches and tarantulas as they entered the park. Along with our incredible volunteers from Dudley building society, the families were greeted by the Make-A-Wish UK head of Wish Alumni, Jack Tomes. They were each given the choice of two activities which would test their skill, courage and teamwork throughout the action-packed day.

A former wish child tackling the aerial assault course at Bear Grylls Adventure Park.

"It’s been an enjoyable experience for every single one of us, it’s been an amazing time."

Carol, Make-A-Wish volunteer

Highlights of the day included the 23-metre-high assault course, where our harnessed-up children challenged themselves to make it to the top and back down again. The exhilarating iFLY saw participants spinning through the air in a skydiving simulator. Patience was tested in the escape rooms, while archers aimed for the bullseye down the range.

A former wish child trying their hand at indoor skydiving at Bear Grylls Adventure Park.

"It’s been amazing, really special to be invited. I loved the high ropes, I’m still shaking from them!"

A wish child who attended the event

You can watch a video of the day below...

Thank you to everyone who took part in the first Wish Alumni event, Bear Grylls Adventure for being so accommodating, Merlin's Magic Wand for donating £250 towards travel costs for the wish families, the volunteers from Dudley Building Society and most importantly to the wish children and families for making the day so special.

This event will be the first of many as we look to hold alumni events across the UK; connecting wish families through their unique experience of a wish, enhancing their wish journey and creating a network of alumni to help grant more magical wishes.

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