Meet A Wishgranter - Victoria

Hi! My name is Vicky and I’m a Wishgranter! I’ve been a Wishgranter now for 393 days. To me, a Wishgranter is somebody who completes the Mosaic that is the child’s wish. If I were to have a wish it would definitely be to star as the 7th Friend in F.r.i.e.n.d.s - I’ve always wanted to be an actress and where better than on this show?!
As a Wishgranter, any feedback we get from our wish families is amazing. It can let me know the wish child and their family had a special time and it literally makes my day!
The fact that we are helping to take the weight off a family’s feet even if just for a day, makes me feel proud to be here. Every parent and child deserves a break or at least a distraction from the complexities and strain of a serious illness.
"The things you are exposed to and the feelings you experience might surprise you."
In over the year I've been here, the amount of wishes I’ve granted is my biggest achievement. I don’t know exactly how many that is in total, but hearing the impact of just one is amazing so to do it as a full time job... mission accomplished!
There have been a few special wish moments over the year - watching England score 7 goals when you know you have a wish family at Wembley is a pretty good feeling. Oh, and being trusted enough to choose an ‘instagrammable’ hotel for a special young lady was right up my street!
I think the angles and aspects you have to consider for each and every wish might surprise people. You start thinking about things even when you’re not working. I might go to a hotel in London and see a fridge in the room and make a mental note of it because some families need to keep medication refrigerated. I’ve heard of so many YouTubers since starting here. I’ve heard of very rare medical conditions. The things you are exposed to and the feelings you experience might surprise you. There is something new to learn every single day as a Wishgranter.
Outside of my role as Wishgranter, two things I enjoy are Meeting the World and it’s people, and pretending I’m in a music video when I’m in my own company!