STARboard terms of reference


By 2021, Make-A-Wish UK’s ambition is to become a child led organisation. To enable us to achieve this we need to include children in our decision-making processes which will be achieved through, but not limited to, STARboard, our Children & Young Person’s Advisory Board (CYP Board).

STARboard is a team of children and young people who represent our wish children across the United Kingdom. They will work closely with staff and volunteers to enable Make-A-Wish to achieve its vision and mission.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Representing wish children:
    STARboard members will discuss their own experience with Make-A-Wish UK; what they think about the wish journey and our processes, and how to improve this for us to achieve Goal One of our Strategic Plan, ‘Every Wish Journey has a life enhancing positive impact for a Wish Child and their family’. They will be the voice of our wish children and their families.
  2. Represent Make-A-Wish UK:
    STARboard members are representatives of Make-A-Wish UK. This may involve, but is not limited to, representing us at local and regional fundraising, corporate and special events, as well as public speaking at various events and interviews with the media. We would expect you to agree to sharing content e.g. photos and videos. All activities like this must be done working together with Make-A-Wish UK staff and volunteers. It should represent the charity’s values and be in line with our strategic plan. Training will be provided.
  3. Wish child engagement:
    As part of improving the wish journey we would like to engage our wish children post-wish, and would like the STARboard to help us with setting up an alumni group.
  4. Recruitment:
    Members will support Make-A-Wish staff and volunteers to recruit children for the younger STARboard in the future.
  5. Time commitment:
    As well as attending at least 2 out of 3 meetings a year, STARboard members will be expected to dedicate time in between meetings to complete various tasks such as reading and replying to e-mails and newsletters, as well as helping write various posts for social media, e.g. blogs.


  • STARboard will meet at 3 times a year face to face over a weekend (one day and one evening) or via an electronic method. The CYP Coordinator will also check in with the Board Members once a month via e-mail/phone/Skype/open FB group (tbc) to see how they’re getting on with their projects and to offer assistance where needed.
  • STARboard will meet and stay at an accessible venue (overnight accommodation will be provided if necessary). The locations will be in Reading, Nottingham and another location TBD. All food and drink will be provided.
  • Make-A-Wish UK will inform members of the STARboard of the residential meeting dates as soon as possible to ensure that families keep these dates available, therefore ensuring the highest attendance possible at every meeting.
  • A family member can accompany each STARboard member for the weekend but will not attend board meetings. Please see the ‘Parents and Carers’ section of this Terms of Reference for more information.
  • Each STARboard member is required to attend 2 out of 3 meetings in person unless there are exceptional circumstances. If the young person is unable to attend in person, we will try to facilitate the meeting remotely. Where possible we kindly ask that the young person gives us at least 48 hours’ notice that they are unable to attend.
  • A minimum of 6 STARboard members should attend each meeting. When this isn’t possible, the meeting will be rescheduled in order to ensure as many areas of the UK are represented as possible. Minutes will be circulated after every meeting, and if a young person is unable to attend for any reason a follow up phone call/Skype session will be arranged with the CYP Board Coordinator to discuss the outcomes of the meeting.
  • We will welcome the STARboard members’ families to join in at the last meeting of the year. At this meeting we will showcase the work STARboard have completed throughout the year and will do this via a group presentation to everyone, including our Make-A-Wish Board of Trustees. We also welcome feedback from families about the wish journey at this meeting also.


  • New board members will be recruited through advertising by e-mail within the Make-A-Wish UK network of past wish children, social media platforms, the Make-A-Wish website, staff, volunteers and by word of mouth.
  • All members must have had a wish granted by the charity within the last 2 years.
  • Members will serve on STARboard for 2 years. If they wish to be considered to stay on the board for an additional year they will need to reapply.
  • STARboard members will meet with the CYP Coordinator at the end of year to review what they have accomplished whilst being on the Board, celebrate the young person’s achievements, get feedback, give feedback and have an open and honest meeting to ensure we are meeting expectations for the young person.

CYP Board Staff

  • Make-A-Wish staff will provide a supportive role to enable the STARboard to be as effective as possible.
  • Each STARboard meeting should be attended by a minimum of 2 Make-A-Wish Representatives (at least 1 member of staff).

Parents and Carers

  • A family member can accompany each STARboard member for the weekend but will not attend board meetings. A room will be made available for these family members which will be near to the Board meeting. The only exception to this rule is if children need to have a carer administer medication.
  • The Make-A-Wish Representatives will be available for a feedback session with parents/ guardians at the end of each STARboard meeting.
  • Over 18’s with no care needs are able to attend the CYP Board meetings without a parent or carer.


  • Make-A-Wish UK have a duty of care to all staff, volunteers and all members of the STARboard. To ensure all our board members have a rewarding experience during their post we would ask that if any member was upset or had any worries, that these should be raised with the CYP Board Coordinator in the first instance.

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