Peacocks pampers marvellous mums with a makeover
Posted on 1st Apr 2020
Clothing retailer Peacocks has launched a three-pronged initiative to help raise money for wishes this Mother’s Day following the success of its first partnership with Make-A-Wish® UK over Christmas.
Fronted by TV star Scarlett Moffatt, her mum Betty and her grandmother Christine, Peacocks’ new ‘Marvellous Mums’ collection is now on sale – a nightwear range of starry printed robes, nightdresses and pyjamas in deep blue.
The perfect gift for yourself, your mum or grandmother this Mother’s Day, prices range from £7 for the cami top to £15 for the dressing gown, with 15% of each sale being donated to Make-A-Wish as part of Peacocks’ ongoing commitment to help make wishes come true for children with critical illnesses.
The high street brand, which specialises in providing quality, affordable fashion for the whole family, is committing the same donation to its limited edition ‘Boss Lady’ t-shirts for Mum and ‘The Real Boss’ t-shirts for children.
Peacocks has also pampered three extraordinary mums, whose children are living with a critical illness, by treating them to a unique makeover – watch the video here.
James Marshall, Head of Marketing at Peacocks says: “We are thrilled to be involved in such an amazing cause and we are super excited to pamper these remarkable mums to shine the light on the impact critical illnesses have on the family as a whole.”
The collection launched in stories on 6th March and is also available online at www.peacocks.co.uk.
Every day, the lives of 15 families in the UK are changed forever when their child is diagnosed with a critical illness. Medical appointments become the utmost priority, with the joy and innocence of childhood taking a backseat. Research shows a wish is something positive for the whole family to look forward to; it can broaden horizons, build psychological resources, improve health and provide the chance to be a child first and a patient second.
To find out more about the impact of wishes or how you can help, visit make-a-wish.org.uk or follow the charity on social media @makeawishuk.
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For further information, samples or high res imagery please contact [email protected]/ 0207 627 1894
All prices quoted are correct at time of writing.
Media contact
Simon Henry
Make-A-Wish UK Communications
[email protected]
07786 650922
Make-A-Wish UK, 7th Floor, Thames Tower, Station Road, Reading, RG1 1LX
For images or video footage to support this story, please contact [email protected]
About Make-A-Wish UK
Every day, the lives of 10 families in the UK are changed forever when a child is diagnosed with a serious illness. From that moment, childhood takes a backseat to medical appointments and worry. A wish helps to restore that childhood and puts worry on the backseat. It provides an opportunity to choose something positive to look forward to and the chance to be a child first and a patient second.
Make-A-Wish UK is a registered charity that was established in the UK in 1986 to support children and young people diagnosed with a serious illness or life-limiting condition, by granting them their dearest wish. The charity receives no Government funding - registered charity numbers: 295672 in England and Wales, SC037479 in Scotland.
Notes to editors
We do not use the phrase ‘terminally ill’ and ask that you follow suit because some poorly children and young people are not made aware of the exact nature of their diagnosis and we respect their family’s approach to their situation. Some also recover fully from their illness.
Please refer to us as Make-A-Wish® UK in the first instance to distinguish us from affiliates in other countries. Thereafter ‘Make-A-Wish’ is suitable.
Please hyperlink to our website (https://www.make-a-wish.org.uk) when you mention Make-A-Wish online.
You can also find us on social media @makeawishuk